Covid-19 Update

Here at Central Spares we have continued to maintain normal operations throughout this difficult time in order to service our customers in their roles as essential providers.
We assess the emerging situation daily and have already taken many actions in order to maintain business continuity whilst focusing on the safety and health of our customers and employees.
I highlight some of these actions below:-
- We are following the advice and guidance of the government agencies at all levels including recommended social distancing.
- All of our employees who can work remotely are doing so. We have technology in place to help them maintain our business operations including servicing our customers.
- For critical operations that cannot be accomplished remotely we have implemented additional safety measures and are ensuring social distancing at all times.
- We are working to maintain service and relationships while minimising personal contact.
- We are continuing to monitor needs of our customers, liaising with suppliers and adjusting our stock profile to ensure we meet the demand as best as possible.
- We have put into place a system where a customer can collect urgent products in a social distanced and safe environment for everyone.
Supply Chain and Operations:
- Maintaining our supply chain is vital for the industry, our strong relationship with our loyal suppliers has ensured minimal impact on our ability to serve our customers with continued supply reliability.
- We have increased distribution capacity by adjusting hours of warehouse operations and positioning our inventory to replenish product from alternative locations should the need arise.
- We have ensured that our customer services are fully operational as they work remotely.
We will maintain these protective measures, and adjust or increase them as needed, until it is safe to resume normal operations.
We hope our efforts do not cause you undue disruption when you interact with us and that you understand why we are being aggressive in doing our part to contain the spread of this virus.